
“Openings come quickly, sometimes, like blue space in running clouds. A complete overcast, then a blaze of light….” –Tennessee Williams

The more we need to be watchful!

While it is necessary to have that clarity 1) that possibilities are endless, and 2) that we have all the time in the world to pursue them, there is also that urgency to be ready, exactly for those blue spaces in the sky…

In a conversation with a friend months ago, the idea of “missing one’s boat” was brought up. Either we don’t recognize it or we’re not ready to get on it when it comes..

How often do we wake up with the vigilance of being ready to be called for battle?

Whenever I read or watch epic movies like Lord of the Rings or Narnia, I get nostalgic about moments of impending glory (or doom), where BIG things are at stake, and there is seriousness in giving one’s all. When I was a kid I romanticized the wars of history, wishing (naively) for the same kinds of battles we learned about in school–bolo fights, guerilla tactics, hiding in caves, etc.

Do you ever think of what battle you were meant to fight?

Everyday, we’re all on a spiritual / transcendental battle– we yearn for deep joy, for answers to all our questions.. There’s also the battle for intimacy with the self…which many leave unfought…

Still, there is that one battle, assigned to us individually.. it is a practical one, concrete, of this world. And it is not a battle of light consequence: If we fail, back down from it, or worse, never realize it, the whole world becomes weak, broken… As Galadriel told Frodo:

“You are a Ring bearer, Frodo. To bear a Ring of power is to be alone. This task was appointed to you, and if you do not find a way, no one will.”

There may be just one boat for each of us, but I believe that we get a lot of prep time to practice. Many mini-boats–or openings–come our way, and everytime they do, we get the chance to build up the skill (and courage!) to get on them.

Friends, here’s to 2007 and to openings!

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