πŸ’š What do you find endlessly fascinating?πŸ’š

Montalut Daily Rhythm

My exact words about Turkey πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡· when we just moved here. It was my third visit, and I felt I was still seeing things for the first time. The richness of the land, culture, seasons, history and life on the streets–endlessly fascinating. The blues of the sea and sky, the changing leaves, the rich food and weekly markets–endlessly fascinating. And the animals! Dogs, cats, and the everyday sightings of storks, flamingos, pelicans–endlessly fascinating! 🦩

When our daughter rode the Istanbul metro for the first time, she loved it so much, she asked to ride it again the next day and “pretend it was her first time”.πŸš‰

This ability to find everyday things endlessly fascinating is a gift 🎁.

πŸ’š On Green Day, make a list of what’s endlessly fascinating for you, and keep that list handy.

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