My Wealth Creation Journey (Part 2)

I will share a secret.  One of the main drivers of Alaya.PH is for me to find my community/ tribe.

I am showing up, hoping you will show up too.

Finding my Mentor

I’ve never had a long-term boss, which also means I’ve never had a mentor. For the most part, I’ve had to learn to be my own mentor.  Great for developing self-directed learning; not so great for accelerating the process and spotting my blind spots.  We all need feedback mechanisms, and sometimes we get this from friends, family, our partners–those closest to us who know what we stand for and call us out on our BS.  Sometimes, strangers are able to give us this gift.  This is why meeting someone new is so refreshing.  We get to reinvent ourselves, or tweak our story to a certain bias.  Social media has magnified how easy it to spin a story these days.  Take a look at online dating profiles and you’d be amazed at how easy it is to paint yourself differently with every new match.

A good mentor doesn’t just give us the feedback we need, but goes over and beyond:  opens a new way of seeing altogether.  Sometimes it’s true that all we need is a mirror, but there are moments that really call for handholding, and for someone to lead the way.

In May 2017, I started reshaping my money mindset by searching far and wide for anything that would help me work smarter.  I joined a productivity course and listened to many audiobooks, and by the end of the month, I felt hyperclear and roaring to get out there already.

Then, as if on cue, I stumbled upon Roger James Hamilton on YouTube.     The resonance with his values and way of doing his business was so strong, that I jumped right in when he offered an Entrepreneur Mentor Certification (EMC) Course. Registration is now closed for this (at least until we finish our batch in September 2017), but anyone can already express interest for the next round.

About Roger: he is a futurist and social entrepreneur based in Bali, Indonesia.  He created Wealth Dynamics, which is a way of profiling entrepreneurs to enable us to work most effectively in teams (this is the only way to scale!).  The Wealth Dynamics is a paid test, and well worth it for the insight it provides, but Roger also offers other profiling tests on GeniusU, the education platform of his Entrepreneur Movement.

Another possible entry point for you could be Roger’s book:

Finding my Community

The real gem of the EMC is the Masterminding group it provides its members:  right now in my batch we are over 300 global entrepreneurs of varying cultures, experience and wealth levels, which makes for an animated, forward-thinking group of doers.

I’ve always had this big crazy dream of putting up creative communities in the Philippines, and it excites me to no end to talk about this dream, but at the end of the day, there’s no one as invested as I am in it.  And it gets lonely up there.  At some point I shelved that dream as something too big and out of reach, so I pursued things that were smaller and within reach.

Now, I am riding a big, big wave that is helping me stand up, fight for my big dream, and sustain my momentum.  And we’re only on week 3!

This post is the second in a series.  Read My Wealth Creation Journey (Part 1).

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