guyabano seedlings

I love guyabano, I can eat one whole fruit for breakfast everyday!

Whenever we chance upon an especially sweet fruit (we love it when it\’s also soft, literally like cotton), we set the seeds aside and try to sprout them for planting:


The other week, we were excited to see these small guyabano seedlings (seen below on the left) ready for transferring to their own spot!


Among the fruit trees in our Tagaytay garden, the avocado, langka and mango trees are the only ones still standing– the guyabano died from the strong winds. 🙁   Will make sure to plant these in a less windy area, maybe next to a protective wall.

Too bad in Avida Settings we\’re not allowed to plant fruit trees in our tiny gardens– maybe I\’ll grow them in big pots so their roots don\’t bother anyone.  Anyone knows how long it takes for a guyabano to bloom?


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