How can our recreation save the environment?

September 21, 2006; 6:00pm
Meralco Mini-Theater, Lopez Building, Meralco Center
Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City

Entrance fees are P20 for students and P50 for professionals/non-students.

Mountaineering is more than just climbing peaks, blazing trails, and discovering new horizons. It is more than a hobby or plain recreation.

It is a WAY OF LIFE.

Once a person officially becomes a mountaineer, he signs a pact with Mother Nature, because a True Mountaineer is a sentinel of the Environment.

Mountaineering is not just about conquering the mountains. It is a commitment to the LNT (Leave-No-Trace) ethics. It is taking that EXTRA Step to become an Environmental Advocate.

Join us as we share with you the spirit of mountaineering and beyond through the words of mountaineers who took the EXTRA STEP to become true-blue environmentalists.

Let us share with you what it is we love Beyond Mountaineering.

Be one of us and you’ll know How our Recreation Can save the Environment.


We request that you confirm your attendance by contacting Vyxz Vasquez at 434-4642 or 0927-3994997 or email


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