No Impact Week: one month after

It’s been over a month since I joined the Huffington Post’s No Impact Week project, a group experiment on carbon-cleansing for one whole week.  Participation from all over the world was very encouraging to say the least! A girl named Rachel from Holland, for example, shared a cool new transportation option for the green mommy:


Holland's new pride, the modern bakfiets! (image source)

Other interesting ideas shared:  a sharing cooperative among neighbors for common household tools, natural alternatives to shampoo, geocaching (treasure hunting using GPS).

Visit the post-experiment insights page and the No Impact Project Ning site for worldwide participants (those outside Canada and the US) to take a look for yourself or join in the discussion \":)\"

A new batch of carbon cleanse participants started on November 15.  Click here to check if you can still participate (better late than never!).


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