Saw these signs around Solenad last week. Have any of you gone on the Nuvali-BGC express shuttle? How was it?
You\’ll notice that the shuttle within Nuvali goes all the way from Solenad 1 to Avida Village in Nuvali South. No listed schedules though. Next time, I\’ll ask how often these vans pass through these stops.
One interesting thing I noticed were bike racks in Solenad 2, beside Robinson\’s Supermarket and near the Terminal. Great option for everyday commuters to Makati/BGC who want to bike from their houses in Nuvali, leave their bikes for the day, and have a ready means of transport to head back home at the end of the day.
It\’s just unfortunate that the parking area for bikes is uncovered, but it\’s still a great new feature in the community!