Two new Lakeside developments in Nuvali


Rode the water taxi in Nuvali for the first time in April 2012, and saw up close two new structures under construction around the lake.

First spotted the Kukun Hotel, one of the many new branches of the Ayala hotel brand.  It\’s located right across One Evotech (Convergys).



New structure #2 is the Monochrome Events Place:

On another note, my mom attended a Real Estate conference recently, where an Ayala spokesperson proudly beamed that Nuvali\’s original 10-year-plan has been remarkably fast-tracked, now nearing 60% completion.

Good to know that there\’s still 40% left to develop, but there is also that worrying tug of \”I don\’t want progress to end soon!\” 😛

Once Ayala\’s developer hand exits Nuvali, it will really fall on our shoulders — Nuvali residents and investors — to start the more laborious work of community-building.

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