What are the bike trails in Nuvali these days?

I loved, loved biking in Nuvali earlier this year (February-May 2013), but I\’m wondering what the bike trails are like these days, given all the new property developments inside Nuvali?

I plotted the 4 trails that I used to bike on the map below:


Can anyone give updates on these trails?  Are any of them in danger of being closed?  I know the Enduro trail is right smack in the middle of Avida Woodhills Settings, which has already begun land development, so maybe byebye Enduro na nga. 🙁   Too bad as those were fun, short trails!  I hope with fingers and toes crossed that New Zealand is still intact !

Also noticed a big chunk of land being cleared along Nuvali Boulevard on the downward slope coming from Republic Wakepark.





A new bike trail in the making, perhaps?  🙂

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