Heavy thoughts the past days. ISIS in the PH, lingering terror from violence in many parts, malnutrition, poverty of matter and spirit, climate change. Where are we, really? What’s the way forward for all of us?
What’s brewing? Who’s brewing? How much of what goes on in the world do we really know? Is it better not to know?
I saw back-to-back documentaries on #Scientology and #Anonymous. Manifestations of strong gestures in the world: asleep/awake, individual/collective, self-interest/common good. I choose to believe that despite the felt direction of things heading south today, there is an equal and growing force that pushes upwards-sideways-all-around to offset it.
When I was younger I romanticized the idea of #battle: when is it my turn to fight? What monsters and dragons am I going to fight? I wanted to ride on a wild horse and brandish my sword, scare off invaders and fight for what’s precious to me. I look at the world today and realize we’ve never left the #battlefield. And the biggest fight of our generation is how to hold it all together inside, to remain #true and valiant to ourselves, amidst racism, political abuse, violence, helplessness, threat of extinction, indifference, despair.
#stateoftheworld #collective #lifetask #wherearewe #wherearewegoing #thatotherworld #modernlife #modernslaves #darkness #raincloud #gloomy #balance #areyouawake