πŸ’› Do you piggyback? πŸ’›

Montalut Daily Rhythm

Collab, co-create, synergy. What’s behind these buzzwords?

I haven’t been able to pick up a brush to paint in a long time, so when our daughter asks for help to draw, I enjoy these mini collab pieces I get to do with her. What do you think of our Peppa Pig collab?🐽

πŸ’› On Yellow Day, it’s good to remember that creating doesn’t always mean we start from zero. Sometimes we get to ride on the efforts, energies and ideas of others and it doesn’t make our effort any less creative. Adding the β€œco-” to any initiative can actually be a superpower, because the sharing of resources allows us to stretch and amplify so many things: co-working, co-living, co-creating, co-investing, co-organizing.🌟

Do you piggyback?πŸ– Do you also let others piggyback on your projects? What do you think makes collabs or piggybacking a win-win setup?

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