How was your 2014?
In August, I did a mid-year review for the widening that was New York, and wow, looking through those doodles now, I wonder how things could’ve taken a turn so bad after a moment of wonderment like that. I didn’t know it then, but I needed that refilling of the well to get through the -ber months that were waiting for me in Manila.
I drew and doodled and painted less after August, but managed enough to squeeze out the below review for the tailend of 2014. If you look carefully between the drawn lines, you will see the struggle to keep seeing the glass as half-full, up until the point of despair. I always say that no news is good news, but it doesn’t apply to creative output. No art is definitely bad news.
This is one of those times when I can declare loudly and clearly that I am so glad for endings. Thank you and goodbye, 2014:

Still thankful for the year in its entirety. Everything is preparation:

BIG HUGS for the new year!