Nuvali Services

Free shuttle around Nuvali

Life in Nuvali Philippines,


Spotted in Nuvali: the \”free ride\” shuttle!

According to the driver, there are three shuttles like this that go around Nuvali. They do the rounds of the different villages (pick up point is by the gate), even all the way to Montecito, and back to the Solenad area three times everyday:

  • 6:30 am
  • 11:00 am
  • 7:00 pm

He said pick up schedule from Solenad is the same– can anyone help confirm this, as well as exact pick up points there?


Shell Nuvali is now open

Life in Nuvali Philippines

Was happy to see this on the way back from Tagaytay last Monday– the Nuvali gas station finally open!


I took a quick shot and the Shell Nuvali gas boys were happy to oblige, complete with welcome waves and big, warm smiles!

Just a tip: We went back there today and were told they\’re still operating on a cash basis (i.e. no credit cards accepted for now).

Republic Wakepark Nuvali coming real soon! March 2012

Life in Nuvali Philippines,

Happy to share the following photo updates from a Republic Wakepark album aptly entitled \”Ok. So you wanted proof\”:



The official website and facebook page of Republic Wakepark have been idle for a while, what with continued delays in the opening of what\’s been dubbed as \”the newest and most innovative wakepark in the world\”, but the BIG BUT is that they\’re idle no more!

From their latest blog post:

In the next few weeks, you will witness the first pull of the cable carrying its first rider, gliding on water amidst the backdrop of blue skies, surrounded by lush greens and beautiful architecture.

As of presstime, the red rental vests and helmets have arrived, cables are properly working and water is scheduled to fill up the oval.

To add, the latest Liquid Force boards are being shipped and new Republ1c wakevests are going to be placed on the clothesrack.

You can feel the excitement flowing in our veins, and there are surely no signs of us stopping.

Fingers-crossed they hit the target this time!

Enjoying the Nuvali lakeside

Life in Nuvali Philippines,

One of the major come-ons of Nuvali for me has always been the man-made lake.

When I first heard about it in 2007, I immediately had a vision of our very own lakeside/ mini-waterfront promenade in the Philippines, similar to Singapore\’s Harbour Front/Vivo City.

Forward to 2012, less than 5 years hence, and the lake is still the first thing that catches my eye every time I enter Nuvali.

It now occupies 4 hectares, which is admittedly smaller than what I had hoped for (original plan set it at 8 hectares), but the view, especially when taken in with Mt. Makiling in the background, is stilling.


Even without thinking about it, I always slow down whenever I drive along this area.

It\’s not surprising that others have discovered this quieting spot as well, making weekend picnickers a regular sight around the lake.



I got to really walk around the Nuvali lake for the first time during the Venare Section J launch last Sunday, and was happy to take in the fresh air (fresh talaga! It was cold and thin, almost wispy–as opposed to being thick and heavy).






The tented area shows where the Shalani-Roman wedding reception was held earlier this year.


Think five, ten, twenty years from now, what do you see surrounding this lake?

Video tour of Nuvali as of Jan 2012

Life in Nuvali Philippines

Here\’s a new video showing exciting Nuvali developments!

Good updated overview in 5 minutes.

Wonder why Miriam College wasn\’t included, also didn\’t notice Avida Village in the round up of residential communities.   Was nice to see perspectives of the upcoming Kukun Hotel and Monochrome events place, though.

More videos from the website.

Thanks to gerard505 of Skyscrapercity-Nuvali for the heads up.

Nuvali at night (one year after)

Life in Nuvali Philippines

A year ago, we took a drive around Nuvali at night, to see how lit (or not) the surroundings and roads would be.

One year hence, I\’d be lying if I said things were much brighter, but definitely you\’d feel a general buzz in the air already:


Logo lamps were littered along Nuvali Boulevard, but past Nuvali North towards the rotonda, it was still pitch black when we passed by last December.

Further along, we saw Christmas lights at the Avida Settings main entrance.


Inside Avida Settings Nuvali was an altogether different story, with lampposts already shining brightly:




Hope Nuvali management lights up the main roads soon!

New access from Silangan exit?

Life in Nuvali Philippines,

We drove down to the tip of Nuvali South earlier this week and noticed this newly constructed guardhouse at the end of the road, right by Avida Village Nuvali:


No announcements on this yet, but we\’re assuming it will lead to the Silangan exit.

Another fast tracked development inside Nuvali, wtg Ayala!

High on a hill was a…

Life in Nuvali Philippines, , , ,


…Nuvali goat herd — Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo!

Taken in Avida Parkway Settings Nuvali on January 2, 2012.

A slight turn to the left, and here\’s the view (towards the West).   That\’s the perimeter wall of Venare, with trees from the Green Zone already showing.


Any guesses what those two towers are at the rightmost peak?  How about that line of buildings in the middle of the mountain?  🙂

Nuvali bazaar in Solenad: new location

Life in Nuvali Philippines,

Saw yesterday that the tiangge in Solenad is now located at the parking lot:



Good decision to move it away from the main Solenad area — there\’s now more space for sellers and shoppers, and also more peace and quiet for restaurant goers and those who just want to enjoy the lake.

Also spotted yesterday: our very own Nuvali security car. 🙂


Nuvali logo lamps

Life in Nuvali Philippines


Saw a line of these lamps lit up along Nuvali Boulevard recently– looks like we\’re seeing the beginnings of an Ayala Ave. Christmas display counterpart in Nuvali!

These logo lamps are probably here to stay though. What do you say to the bright lights of Christmas all-year round in Nuvali? I say yay. 🙂