Purple Day

πŸ’œ Who recharges you? πŸ’œ

Montalut Daily Rhythm

These two are my superpower–they’re my secret weapon to living a life of joy and meaning.🌈

We tap into energies 24-7.🌌 Energy is in our daily environment: our living and workspace, the food and information we consume, the people we surround ourselves with, the conversations we have. When we’re deliberate about the kind of energies we send out and let in, we get to supercharge more effectively.

πŸ’œ On Purple Day, turn to your human energy centers. Who are they who renew you and keep you charged? Are you connected to them? How often do you plug in and recharge?⚑️

πŸ’œ How tech-dependent are you? πŸ’œ

Montalut Daily Rhythm

We’re now in a double whammy of Mercury in Retrograde and Ghost Month. Communication and gadgets are extra prone to mistakes and malfunction.πŸ”Œ What took me 5 minutes to do with AI last week is now taking over 2 hours (and counting!).πŸ’»

I’m a big fan of automation, and am always on the lookout for the best productivity tools out there. Today was a reality-check on how much dependent on tech I’ve become, and on the other hand, how much I appreciate the help it provides.πŸ™

πŸ’œ On Purple Day, imagine life before the tools and helpers in your life. Do you think you can still get into flow without them? How do you find the balance between being tool-thankful and tech-independent?

πŸ’œ Do you get proper sleep? πŸ’œ

Montalut Daily Rhythm

Days are starting to get shorter. It’s dark again by 830pm, and my body feels it. It asks for sleep. More sleep than what it’s been getting over the summer.

Overheard on a kids show: sleep is magic.🌟 Amazing lesson not just because it helps get our daughter to bed, but more so because it’s true. When I get proper sleep, I feel different. I feel wired and put together. It’s the best make up, productivity hack, and creativity tool, and it’s free, abundant, and part of everyday life.🀸

πŸ’œ On Purple Day on one of the last Mondays of summer, let’s honor our sleep. Let’s block it into our calendars as a sacred, can’t-be-rescheduled everyday priority.

πŸ’œ What tools keep you in flow? πŸ’œ

Rhythm Technology
Montalut Daily Rhythm

I’ve been figuring out Notion for two months. Right when I feel a breakthrough is coming and I start to get it, the dumping just begins again: task dumping, drafts dumping, table dumping. I have too many databases now, too many pages within pages.πŸ—“πŸ“‘

So many people swear by Notion as their ultimate productivity tool. I’m possibly stuck in the swearing. 🀣

πŸ’œ On Purple Day, it’s good to do a maintenance check on our life tools, the helpers that (supposedly) make our everydays easier, more organized and breathable.πŸͺ” Now if a tool keeps you up late at night so you can figure it out…πŸ€”

πŸ’œ Is money small or big? πŸ’œ

Montalut Daily Rhythm

Here’s how the world’s first coin looked, made in Lydia over 2,600 years ago.πŸͺ™

We named our project @leadiagrowth after Lydia as a homage to this coin, a tool that has enabled growth and innovation through the ages.πŸ“ˆ

πŸ’° When you look at money, what do you see? Is your money small or big? What big things are you doing with it?

πŸ’œ Powerzone Monday: What protects your space? πŸ’œ

Montalut Daily Rhythm

It’s the start of a new week, and the distractions are lining up: chores, emails, daily commute.🚝 When it’s a busy day and you need to move around a lot, how do you stay in the zone and protect your space? πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

I pulled up this family photo with Topkapi Palace behind us, remembering the feeling we had on this day.🌈 We’d just spent a wonderful week in Δ°stanbul, soaking in the energy of the city, and already decided we would move there asap. It was a feeling of possibility.🌟

This moment is a powershield, one that I can pull up on combat days like today, to help me remember my safe space and stay in flow.πŸš€

πŸ’œHow do you powerstart your day?πŸ’œ

Montalut Daily Rhythm

Here’s mine: with quiet time to remember what happened in my sleep the night before. 😴

Both science and spirituality ( i.e. consciousness work) say to always go to bed with a question we need help with, and let the divine forces and/or our subconscious do the answering for us while we sleepπŸ›. Our job is to be ready to receive the answers the next morning.🌀

This only happens with a clear mind and heart, without the clutter of errands or news or social media feeds🀯. Blank slate mornings are critical.

πŸ’œHow about you? What power move starts your day right?